Your Local Experts In

Drainage, Sewer
& Wet Basements

Protect your home, prevent flooding, and keep your foundation safe.
Your Local Experts In

Drainage, Sewer
& Wet Basements

Protect your home, prevent flooding, and keep your foundation safe.

Having an emergency? Call us now! 

(604) 551-7370 (24/7 – No Extra Charge)

Blocked Drain Cleaning Services in Port Coquitlam

Blocked drains in sinks, tubs, or showers lead to water backing up and creating bad odors in your home. Clear the clog to restore proper drainage and avoid overflow or water damage.

Issues We Can Help You Fix:

Water pooling in tubs or sinks.

Blocked drains causing water to overflow.

Hair and debris creating stubborn clogs.

Unpleasant smells from blocked drains.

Drain lines causing water buildup in your shower.

Overflowing water due to blocked drain lines.

Want to solve these issues or have questions?

Serving Greater Vancouver and the Lower Mainland

First-time customer? You're eligible for a free drainage inspection.

What do you need help with?